Videos and Time-Lapse
Lightning over the Cascades Mountains, taken from Pilot Butte in Bend,Oregon.
This video is about Ariana Preview Dinner on March 23, 2014. Time-lapse and stills. Time-lapse by George Lepp and stills by Robert Agli.
A panoramic time-lapse taken with the Radian system ( with a duration of 3 hours and a sweep of 180 degrees.
A time-lapse and stills from the Butchart Gardens, near Victoria, B.C.
Time-lapse by George D. Lepp on 4/9/2013 at the Wooden Shoe Farms near Woodburn, Oregon. This from the 2013 Tulip Festival.
A Time-lapse video about Summer on the Deschutes River, Bend, OR.
A time-lapse done with in infrared camera at the Japanese Garden in the Chicago Botanical Garden in July of 2014.
For 12 weeks and over 80 hours of observation/photography, George Lepp captured a pair of bald eagles from hatching to fledging.
Everyone is having a good time on the Deschutes River in Bend, Oregon.